YHA Hostels UK Locations
We have found 127 YHA Hostels in England and Wales.
Looking for a hostel for budget accommodation in some of the UK's most stunning locations? Use the map below to find the perfect hostel in the right location easily and quickly.
When you find the right location, click on the link to find options for pubs and restaurants nearby, to eat out in the evening or just relax during your stay. We also show attractions near each Hostel plus easy-to-view position mapping of the YHA itself with driving directions.
The YHA provides a range of hostels throughout England and Wales, they are open to all, providing excellent value for money, and are often located in prime locations whether it is a remote countryside location or an urban, city centre location. pricing is on a per bed basis and many have a range of dormitory rooms and private rooms so you can tailor your budget to suit and really save money where appropriate to your own wishes.